Jimbo's Techlog

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Google Earth's Theatrical Debut?

Over the weekend I saw the remake of the '70s cult classic, Crank. The movie was alright, I never saw the original, so I can't comment on that aspect of it. However, there was one star that, I believe, made his theatrical debut: Google Earth! I've seen Google Earth used on news programs, but never in a feature film! The movie makes use of Google Earth's satellite imagery of parts of California, I believe, and even uses its slick rotate/zoom animations when homing in on a particular location from a global view.

I think it's cool that Google Earth made its way into a movie, but I thought it added to the overall low budget feel. This was definitely a free version of Google Earth, and we all know its clarity isn't exactly CIA quality. Anyway, if you're interested in seeing Google Earth on a giant screen, go check out the movie, otherwise I'd skip it.
